
What They Say About Us

We appreciate all your feedbacks and will always appreciate update photos from time to time. God bless you all Loyal English Mastiff Puppies Family.

Costumer's Rating
I want to thank both of you for allowing my husband and I to experience this most precious bundle of joy. My baby is so beautiful and we love her so much and I know that my baby comes from a loving, clean environment. Again, thank you, both from the bottom of our hearts.
Emma Odinson
Jenn and I just wanted to drop a quick note to you and let you know how little Penelope is doing. She was spayed two weeks ago, and is doing great. She is the best dog we have ever had and we cannot thank you enough for this little girl. We are about to move to North Nashville, where we have built a home, and now Penelope will have so much room to play. Thank you again!"
Dian Annakin
Just wanted to drop a line to you, telling you once again, how wonderful Lily is. I won't forget when you told me about Sunshine, her mom, being soo smart! This little baby, yes little, is brilliant and always always knows how to tell us what she wants. Not that she is demanding, in any way shape or form. She just accommodating in all ways. She has personality and is very very beautiful, both in heart and form. She has truly bought joy in all our hearts! Ziggy and her are great pals, and have a wonderful bond!!
Kyle Smith
Thank you again for being such gracious hosts. We felt so warmly welcomed and not at all like strangers. We hope to get to see you again. You certainly went out of your way for us and we will be forever grateful. The girls are angels, and the vet was just amazed at your love and care as breeders. YOU WOULD HAVE BLUSHED at his praise. They are eating and drinking and using the paper. What more could I ask for ?? They are my little Muskateers, what precious babies they are. Ron just thinks the sun sets in them...
Jean D. Johnson
Rossi is doing fine...He did great at the vet. He was such a good boy. He wasn't frightened and didn't fuss in his carrier. He didn't get car sick and was just wonderful, no crying, no barking, no whinning. The vet's assistant took his temperature, weighed him and so forth and he did great. The vet said he's a very nice and very healthy pup. He examined him and cut his nails for me and we made an appointment to come back in two weeks for vaccinations. He is just the cutest thing. I can't imagine how I survived without him before he came. He's so attached to us already, and us to him. He has a way of making you feel wanted and needed and loved. He's sitting quietly on my lap right now waiting for me to finish this note...I stopped at my sister's office on the way to the vet today to introduce her to her new "nephew" and of course she too fell in love. My cleaning ladies went absolutely nuts over him. When you approach holding him there are always squeals of delight followed by tons of , "How Cute". I'm already so proud of my beautiful boy, and he's such a very good boy. He's also been good for my weight, I haven't put him down long enough to eat!
Aria Walker
Well, I have to let you know that Indy is Absolutely Wonderful!!! He is as sweet as you indicated he was...plus a little more I think! His personality is just great! I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate you allowing me to have Indy, especially since he had become such a part of your family. I sincerely believe he is the "pick of the litter". He is so affectionate and sweet...he is a joy to be around! As I mentioned earlier, I had looked at other breeders...and while they had very nice animals, I just could not sense that they had the same level of love, commitment and desire to see that their animals are placed in the best situation for their well-being as you do. I can tell, in all that you do, that you truly have the best interest of your "babies" in mind and that makes them all the more valuable to me and I am sure others who are fortunate enough to receive one. When I decided back in 2008 to get another Yorkies I truly wanted to get the best one available and I sincerely believe you allowed me to do that with Tiffany II. Further, when I decided to get another little one I only thought of one breeder and that was you. Thanks once more for Indy! After meeting you and ALL of your family this past Saturday I truly know how much you and your family cared for him.
Thomas Doe
Thank you again for being such gracious hosts. We felt so warmly welcomed and not at all like strangers. We hope to get to see you again. You certainly went out of your way for us and we will be forever grateful. The girls are angels, and the vet was just amazed at your love and care as breeders. YOU WOULD HAVE BLUSHED at his praise. They are eating and drinking and using the paper. What more could I ask for ?? They are my little Muskateers, what precious babies they are. Ron just thinks the sun sets in them...
Jean D. Johnson
Words cannot express the love in our hearts tiny little Charles has brought Jim and me. Please know how cherished and adored he is; we know without a doubt what a loving breeder and birth family The Fawcett's have been to him. His first nite he let me know (gently) that he missed you. I was very reassuring and of course he responded gracious and lovingly. He went to the Vet and is absolutely perfect ------ the Vet went on and on about the obvious care the breeder had taken. Everyone at the Vet's office is in love with him! He is eating and drinking regularly, his stool is firm and often (2-3 times daily), and he is most giving of his love. Jim and I are trying desperately not to spoil him too much.......but I fear it's hopeless! He is sleeping in his crate on the table (pushed right up to my bedside) all night. From 10:00 PM last nite to 6:00AM this morning - then out to potty on the paper on the grass. He doesn't care for grass! He now associates his harness to going to potty outside! I Think? Listen to me I'm going on and on and you have a loving home full of children and puppies. I'm trying to tell you how blessed Jim and I are to be chosen to be the adoptive parents of one of your angels. We are absolutely bursting with smiles and love for the little guy.
Joan Elizabeth
I'm just the happiest lady in the world! I finally have access to a computer to let you know how truly delighted I am with my boys. I have taken sooooo many pictures and will send you some as soon as I get them developed. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to have gotten both together. That was the direct will of God, for sure. No joke: I have yet to see even one, itsy-bitsy thing that Marlon and/or Lefty do that isn't just the cutest thing I have ever seen. They are so funny, energetic, and LOVING. I am really in heaven now. All my boys are the reason I get up each day. They faithfully wake me no later than 7:25 a.m. each day with their historical baby calling noises. They don't whine, they actually make this high pitched call thing that is just a scream to hear! Out we go for potty time and then our day of togetherness begins. They take regular naps - some times shmooshed up against me in every nook. At night, they play on my bed until I'm ready to get in and then they obediently scoot right into their taxi for the night. If I can't sleep, I always have them to stare at - and they never fail to make me smile till my face hurts. I absolutely love them to bits. Lefty has gained weight to the point that you cannot tell Marlon, him, and sometimes Chandler, apart!! He still has his outrageously crazy hair doo's. Marlon always grooms his face and leaves his hair so funny looking, I could just eat them both up!! I can't imagine one without the other. When they aren't playing with me or Chandler, they are very content and imaginative playing with each other. I'm telling you, I could list hundreds of really funny things they do - they are really very special little friends. Thank you sooooo much for allowing me the privilege of sharing my life with them. They really and truly are the best little guys in existence. Rats....I have to go right now - but I'll try to write you more soon. THANK YOU AGAIN and GOD BLESS YOU and yours always and forever with love, peace, and everlasting faith.Godspeed,
Just wanted to give you an update on my little boy. I have heard from Jo that you have had family illness and I feel for you in all that you are going through. My parents were sick for many years and I know how difficult it is to see our parents age and fail and how helpless the feeling of wanting to ease their pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers... On a happier note, Rossi is the absolute joy of a lifetime...I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on furs and jewels and furnishings and you name it, but I have never in my life gotten the absolute constant pleasure from any of these things as I have from my baby. He was just what was missing from our family. He is so devoted to the two of us. You would be hard pressed to learn if he's mommy's boy or daddy's boy. He seems to have an unlimited supply of love to go around. He has the sweetest personality. He is so demure and gentile and yet such a boy. He loves to play and frolic with his daddy but is a total mush when it comes to love and kisses from mommy. He is just everything I could have hoped for and more. I have often thought what a perfect companion a Yorkies would make for the elderly or for shut-in's. He is our constant companion, always at our sides and always willing to love and roll over for a belly scratch. You would not believe how beautiful he is. His fur is so snowy white. His face so sweet and precious and his little body so perfect. He has full thick hair and can grow a new coat in 24 hours after having been trimmed. (Frankie and I can't take a picture to save our lives, so we'll have to find a professional photographer) He is a delight in every way. He still has the original toy that you sent with him and treats all of his little stuffed buddies with equal tenderness and care. He can nibble on a cookie (from aunt Jo) for three weeks, carefully carrying it from room to room until its done. He's just a total cupcake in every way. We really didn't get to celebrate his birthday but plan to this weekend. Frankie has been sick with the flu and Rossi has been standing vigil protecting his daddy. He hasn't left his bedside and cries when he can't cuddle next to him. Where else could you possibly get that sort of unconditional love?
Anna P.